Senin, 18 April 2011

Gaya Belajar Hilmi: The Concrete Sequential Learner

Dari hasil psikotes,  Hilmi termasuk dalam kategori Concrete Sequential Learner. Informasi ini berguna untuk memahami cara berpikir, cara belajarnya dan memilih cara memotivasi dia yang sesuai. Penjelasan mengenai ciri-ciri seorang Concrete Sequential Learner sebagai berikut:


James is home schooled. His mother stays busy with five children, of which James is the oldest. Conscientious and dependable, James is the least demanding of the children. Early on, Mom noticed that he prefers workbooks to multi-age unit studies. As long as his work space is quiet and clean (which means away from younger siblings), James methodically works through his assignments. Because he needs to be sure that he is doing things right, James frequently asks for clarification on instructions. Therefore, to avoid interruptions, Mom never leaves James with an assignment until she is certain he understands. Although James devours facts and churns out perfect scores on exams, he struggles in areas that require abstract thinking. Reading between-the-lines puts him in a cold sweat. Just give him the facts and let him deal with literal meanings, and he’ll even hum while he’s studying! Academically, mass education is designed for Concrete Sequential (CS) learners like James, but he’s happy at home, learning at his own pace and learning values important to his family.

A CS learner is a no-nonsense person who sees the practical side of issues. When he speaks, he is never subtle, but is direct and to the point. Not one to quit in the middle of anything, he will finish whatever he is doing even if he hates it. This is because a CS has a sense of order and responsibility that requires a beginning, middle, and an ending. Although a CS learner is not naturally creative, he is a master at fine-tuning and improving another’s original idea. He is your list-maker and organizer who thrives on a schedule. Nearly as predictable as the sunrise, you can always count on a CS to follow through. And because he is highly disciplined, he will do what needs to be done whether he feels like it or not. Consistency is his byword.
Routine is important to a CS learner. When unexpected changes occur, he has difficulty adapting. While it is necessary for him to understand that life cannot always be predictable, if possible, try to give him advance notice of changes in plans. Never just tell a CS what to do unless he is already familiar with the task. Provide concrete examples of what is required because vague directions do not register. Often overwhelmed with too much to do, he gets frustrated by not knowing where to begin. Ask him what you can do to help. Sometimes helping him to list priorities is all he needs to get going. While CR or AR learners almost relish clutter and noise, a CS learner’s ability to concentrate freezes in such an environment. If you give him a specific time for uninterrupted work in a clean and quiet place, he’ll sail through his assignments comfortably and come out smiling. His delight is to accomplish his goals and check them off his list!

CS learners flourish in math, spelling, history, geography, and business subjects. He relishes drills, reviews, and memorization, and thrives on workbooks, structure, and routine. Lectures and outlines neatly place all the facts in his orderly mind to draw out when needed. His mind is a splendid time line! A CS has an innate need for order and a propensity for perfectionism. Because of these traits, he learns best by following an example.
Although not too fond of discussions or oral reports, he will excel if given enough time to prepare. Role playing and dramatization, however, are not his forte. He can churn out reports replete with all the facts, but imaginative writing draws a blank in a CS learner. Even the driest CS learner can be taught to think creatively, though. Tangible rewards and hands-on methods motivate him. If you wisely and gently use these types of motivations, you will watch a CS gradually unfold to a new world of creativity.
In order to understand how to specifically help your CS in the individual subjects usually studied in school, I have compiled a list of preferences and helps for each subject:

Prefers: Phonics, programmed reading, word lists, and oral reading (if they are prepared)
Needs help to: Read from context and read beyond the literal meaning
Tip: A CS will do well with most phonics programs.  Give him opportunity to practice oral reading in a nonthreatening, relaxed setting.
Prefers: Handwriting drills, worksheets, and well spelled-out assignments
Needs help to: Write creatively
Tip: He will do well with traditional language art textbooks. For creative writing, though, use "story starters" or books that deal specifically with creative writing.
Prefers: Workbooks, programmed math, and drill
Needs help to: Apply arithmetic to word problems that require abstract thinking
Tip: He will do well with most math textbooks.
Prefers: Names, dates, making maps and time lines
Needs help to: Read biographies, historical fiction, and novels that give life to these subjects
Tip: Because a CS thrives on the details, they miss the big picture. Find creative ways to show him how the details fit together in the overall message. (ie., Read biographies and historical fiction aloud as a family.)
Prefers: Science notebooks, collections of leaves, rocks, etc., programmed book learning, and sciences that are less speculative (biology, botany, and physiology)
Needs help to: Form hypotheses and do experiments
Tip: Plan creative projects that let him express his aptitude for details and facts.
Prefers: Art -- drawing with clear directions to follow, photography, and craft projects;  Music -- note reading             
Needs help to: Bring out his own creativity
Tip: Drawing with Children by Mona Brooks is an excellent resource that equips the ordinary person to teach art. It teaches how to analyze everything you see so that you can know how to draw. It also includes painting instructions. This style would work well with a CS learner.


Your CS learner is the most goal oriented of all the learning styles. Some will accuse him of having "tunnel vision," but it is this mastery at maintaining focus and drive to fulfill the goal that gives our world men and women who accomplish ordinary and "history making" achievements. This trait, however, causes a CS to value things and responsibilities more than people. Knowing this, parents can teach their CS that life does not solely consist of attaining goals; he needs to understand that it is okay to take time for people. If need be, let him schedule in time for family and friends on his daily calendar. He may even feel that he "accomplished" something when he checks it off his list! As a perfectionist, he will thoroughly fine-tune an idea or project. You can help him to not take himself and life too seriously by teaching him to laugh at himself and the inevitable imperfections of life. Encouraging him to practice patience with the people in his life will make him amiable, also. A slave to routine, your CS is uncomfortable with change. You can rejoice that this characteristic enables you to count on him, and, at the same time, gradually introduce circumstances that require him to adapt. While it is important to teach your CS to relax and enjoy life, remember to appreciate him for who he is -- serious, practical, and predictable. God has a plan for his life, and that plan needs his unique learning abilities. 


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